Beyond Dural
We imagine a world where Jesus is the centre.
We have a sense of responsibility bigger than our local community. We who have so much need to serve others ‘Beyond Dural’. We do this using our own gifts and resources and by partnering with others.
Some of our partners, globally and around Australia include:
SALT “Sport and Leadership Training”
Our Kimberley Mission and Solomon Islands Mission is done under the SALT banner. SALT is a project of Samaritans Purse, administered by our Centre with a vision to “see transformed lives and transformed communities” We seek to do that by using the vehicle of sport to build community and to serve that community in every possible way to see lives changed.
The exact strategies employed in each community are distinct and tailored to the needs of specific communities, based on building trust and relationship.

Solomon Islands Sports Ministry
During a trip to the Solomon Islands with international organisation Samaritans Purse Australia in December 2000, Brian and Sarah Codrington were moved by the country’s crisis due to ethnic tension and fighting. As Brian spoke with political and community leaders, the ‘cry’ from each person was that something be done for the youth of the Solomon Islands – a generation that was losing hope and confidence for a bright future.
There was no organised sport for any children under 14 years. Inspired to make a difference, Dural Sport & Leisure Centre (now The Centre) embarked on the mission of ‘bringing hope’ and praying lives would be transformed physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.
Over the years, the initiative has been successful in providing organized sports opportunities for children of all ages, training young indigenous adult leaders as coaches, referees, and administrators, and fostering a sense of community pride and achievement. Solomon Island junior teams have regularly traveled to Australia and won championships in the Australian National Futsal Championships. Educational scholarships have been facilitated for Solomon Island students at Sydney schools and Leadership Training Schools in the Solomon Islands, providing further opportunities for growth and development.
With the sports programs now self-sustainable through accreditation of local coaches and referees and funding from local businesses, our investment is now focussed on ‘growing the next generation of leaders’. The Centre contributes to the SALT (Sport and Leadership Training) ministry in which young leaders are engaged full time in leadership training and conducting Futsal classes and coaching sessions.

Outback Australia & The Kimberly
An invitation to The Centre (then Dural Baptist Church) from a Child Protection Worker in Kalumburu led to an expedition to the remote far North West of Australia in June 2006, and the journey has continued since.
Teams have shared life, yarned, played, planned and dreamed with our indigenous friends. We have joined in kicking balls, conducting coaching clinics, abseiling, climbing, assembling bikes, cleaning community facilities, welding, electrical repairs, administration, medical and teaching services.
Partnering with Wunan Foundation along with Pacific Hills Christian School and William Clarke College, we have supported providing educational pathways for Kimberley students. We have assisted with mentoring students, encouraging the houseparents and liaising with schools regarding student placement and health.
We look forward to seeing what new opportunities will arise through our connections in Outback Australia and the Kimberly Region.
The Ongs in Malawi
The Centre partners with Pete and Jo Ong and their three children as they serve in Malawi with SIM Australia. Despite the challenges of raising three young children while pioneering new ministries, the Ongs have continued to obey the call God gave them to serve overseas.
The family’s faithfulness to their field has seen them establish two vocational training ministries that provide them with the opportunity to disciple those that they teach. Pete is leading the Mtengo Youth Discipleship Ministry while Jo has pioneered the sewing ministry, Tiyamike.

Definition in Chichewa: Let us give thanks
Tiyamike teaches sewing skills to women from low-income families so they can provide for themselves and their families. The nine-month program includes classes on basic tailoring and small business skills. Each class begins with prayer and a Bible study. Students receive a sewing machine when they graduate so they can begin their own business. Graduates can also return to Tiyamike to receive sewing work for which they are paid per item. The ministry offers graduates this opportunity for two years while they are working on slowly building up their own tailoring businesses at home.

Definition in Chichewa: Worth, price or tree
Mtengo Youth Vocational Discipleship is a nine-month program for unemployed youth that encompasses discipleship, vocational training and stewardship. The members of the group are taught papermaking, lip balm making, how to make products out of repurposed plastics and glass, and how to roast coffee. The current cohort is being equipped in preparation for them to train a new group of unemployed youth from another Africa Evangelical Church. Besides the skills component of the program, the focus is to show the members how they can be disciples of Jesus even as unemployed youth.

Scripture in Schools
The Centre is one of a group of local churches and individuals who support Paul El-Charr, the SRE teacher at Galston High School. We support him largely through our yearly “Mission Month” Appeal, usually in June.
SRE education encourages students to question, explore and discover the basics of the Christian faith based on the Bible. Classes and seminars are run for students whose parents or caregivers are happy for them to be involved.
The local SRE teacher also provides pastoral support and encouragement to students.
Baptist Mission Australia
Baptist Mission Australia partners with Australian Baptists to see growing, vibrant faith communities emerge among least-reached people groups.
The Centre partners with Baptist Mission Australia through prayer and with financial appeals, particularly during our yearly mission month, fundraising for specific needs and projects.
Australian Baptist World Aid
"And so we dream of a world where poverty has ended and all people enjoy fullness of life as God intends."
But we don’t dream or act or pray alone. Together with God’s people, we join Jesus in caring for vulnerable communities around the world.
The Centre supports the work of Australian Baptist World Aid in appeals for humanitarian. We usually include a project of BWA in our annual Christmas Appeal.