This morning, I sat down to read Proverbs 16. I have thoroughly been enjoying the proverbs as of late, filled with instruction, guidance and notes on how to become discerning. Gentle rebukes calling us to be more patient “better a patient man than a warrior...” (v 32).
As we continue to journey with this community garden, I am often struck by how slowly it feels as though it is all coming together. The work seems endless; orders, negotiations, arranging teams, assembling the never-ending boxes of raised garden beds (IYKYK). But I’m reminded this morning that “better is a patient man than a warrior”, “better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice” (v8), and that if you just “commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”
As I step back and think of the very art of growing plants, I am again reminded that it is a slow, yet remarkably beautiful process. A tiny seed, not more than a centimetre planted into the ground and slowly but surely life pokes through, determined to grow big and strong, determined to provide sustenance, so that we humans (and a few animals I am sure) are able to be sustained.
I am reminded that to garden is to be close to God, to be as we were designed, as Adam and Eve first were. To have our hands dirty, sun on our backs, sweat on our brow.
I am reminded this morning that we are, this garden is, exactly as it should be. Slowly growing and determined to bring life and sustenance to those in our church and local community. Rising out of the dirt with strength and determination.
Happenings in the Garden...
Much has been happening in the garden, both on the land and behind the scenes...
A fence has been erected around the garden with the dual purpose of keeping little ones in and pests out. Thank you, Jon and team, for all your work so this could happen.
The grass is looking very brown after a good spraying, thank you Brian!
A large delivery for 14 raised garden beds, and our shed arrived. We received a helpful discount from Bunnings in Dural in support of this order.
An order has been placed for 2 lovely large picnic tables ready for communal cups of tea and lunches once the garden is open.
Another successful working bee, with many helpful hands big and small. We’ve had fences built, lawns mowed, trenches dug, rocks dug out, pavers transported, raised beds built, food made, plumbing investigated and much, much more. Thank you to everyone, big and small, who has come along to help at our working bees – we appreciate you so much!
Chris Thomas has helped us to secure a second grant with Bendigo bank. This is very exciting, and I feel between both grants, we will be able to cover all the major costs to get this garden up and running.
We have also received much help from the Men's Shed so far. Help with connections to Bunnings in Dural, help with supplies and help with manual labor, with more to come.
And thank you to our team of faithful helpers who unite with the shared goal of seeing this community garden come to life. You are appreciated immensely.
Prayers from the Garden...
Pray for the team dedicated to bringing this garden to life. Pray for endurance, strength, vision and creativity.
Pray for the people this garden will reach. Pray that the spirit will ignite in the local community a desire to be involved once the garden is opened. Pray that opportunities to connect will begin to be planted.
Pray for the land, that the Spirit will continue to rest on the garden with a mighty force and that by simply entering the gates, people would feel the Spirit.